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Jennifer’s artwork is a form of participatory research, with a constant critical evaluation of the ethics behind photography and sound as mediums.

Palenque de Juan Morales García, Maestro Mezcalero. San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca, México. JAF, 2019.

Palenque de Juan Morales García, Maestro Mezcalero. San Dionisio Ocotepec, Oaxaca, México. JAF, 2019.

Jennifer Ferretti headshot. Dark hair, dark background, wearing a black dress with white embroidery.

is a first-generation American Latina/Mestiza whose librarianship and work is guided by critical praxis, not neutrality. She is interested in the research methodologies of artists and non-Western forms of knowledge making and sharing.

Jennifer Arévalo Ferretti (she/her)

Photograph by Laura Ferrara.

Research Community History graphic block

Lesson Plans and Resources that Interrogate Power and Privilege

Libraries and archives were built upon structures that marginalize some based on race, gender, class, etc. Jennifer’s pedagogical and instructional design focus is to develop a learning experience that keeps power and privilege in mind.